Electrical Safety in the Workplace

Clues That You Need To Call An Electrician

Without the comfort and convenience of electricity, life would be challenging, to say the least. Though you may have grown up with this energy source, it's never wise to take it for granted and to ignore danger signs. Consider the following symptoms that suggest you need to call a general electrician.

Tripping Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers are designed to trip if you overload the system by plugging in too many heaters or other appliances. Once the current is too strong for a circuit, it will switch off as a safety measure. However, if this frequently happens, you should call an expert. It could be that your daily demand for energy exceeds supply and the unit requires an upgrade to produce more power. You'll know you have a problem if the circuit breaker trips and won't stay on when you attempt to shift it back.


Sparks flying when you plug in a hairdryer or other item are hazardous — you'll need the system checked immediately. Sparking can cause electrical fires as well as damage to expensive electrical equipment. 

Burning Smells

The problem with electricity is that it's mostly hidden — currents travel along wires set within walls and floors. If you can smell burning and can't see any evidence, you should treat this seriously. It could be that wiring within the walls is smouldering. Eventually, this situation could erupt in flames.

Buzzing Noises

Electricity is meant to operate quietly. Thus, if you notice noises such as buzzing or crackling when you flick on a switch or plug in an appliance, an electrician will need to investigate for problems. 

Outlet Issues

Another thing to look out for is outlet issues. Wobbly outlets can mean loose wiring inside — a potential fire hazard. Another problem is not enough outlets, so you have numerous extension cords and power boards attached. As well as overloading the system, cables lying everywhere can cause people to fall over and suffer injuries.

Lights Dimming Or Flickering

Look out for lights that dim or flicker. This could simply suggest a power surge as other major appliances are switched on, and the circuit can't adequately manage the load. A general electrician can check what the cause is and upgrade your system if it's not coping.

Electrical Shocks

If you receive an electrical shock when you touch an outlet or appliance, the system may not be grounded correctly, which is a perilous and urgent situation. 
