Electrical Safety in the Workplace

Your Guide To Buying The Right Solar Panels For Your Home

If you are all about energy efficiency, you should consider investing in solar panels. Designed to convert the sun's radiation to useful energy, solar panels are some of the most efficient sources of energy you can find. However, getting the most out of your solar panels depends on choosing the right ones. There are plenty of things to consider when shopping for solar panels for your home. You will want to think about the cost, warranty and even aesthetics, because the panels will be installed on your roof and will be highly visible. If it's your first time selecting solar panels, finding what you really need can prove quite a challenge. Therefore, here is a guide to help you select the right ones.

Consider The Efficiency Rating

The efficiency of solar panels refers to the amount of electricity generated in relation to the amount of sunlight energy captured. The solar panel efficiency rating is usually in the form of a percentage, where higher percentages will indicate higher efficiency. That means the higher the efficiency rating, the higher the wattage of electricity that will be generated per given area of your solar panel, so you won't have to cover as much of your roof with panels. Therefore, if you are concerned about the amount of roof space available for installing your solar panels, you should consider those with higher efficiency ratings. Also, keep in mind that the higher the energy efficiency rating, the higher the cost will be. Therefore, if you are on a budget you may want to stick to modules with lower efficiency ratings.

Determine Whether Portability Is A Concern

There are multiple reasons to consider portable solar panels. For instance, if you live in a rented or leased home for a short period, permanent solar panels may not be such a good idea. You may need a portable solar panel for ease of disconnection when moving out. Therefore, folding solar panels would be the ideal solution for you. However, if you need a permanent solution, rigid-framed solar panels are often the recommended choice.

Ask About The Temperature Coefficient

Solar panels tend to produce less power when it's extremely hot. And as the heat increases beyond a certain point, your solar panels will become less and less efficient. The temperature coefficient is a measure of the percentage of efficiency that your solar panel loses per given change in temperature. If you live in a hot climate, it's imperative to consider this aspect. You need a unit that will lose as little efficiency as possible even when the temperatures are quite extreme.

Remember these tips when considering solar power solutions for your home.
