Electrical Safety in the Workplace

3 Additional Considerations To Getting The Right Electrical Contractor For Your Home

You're in the process of building a new home, which is very exciting. But there's a lot of hard work that comes along with it – enough to give you a headache sometimes. Choosing the right electrical contractor isn't as straightforward as you think. Look at these considerations to make sure you get the right electrical contractor for your new home.

Has The Electrical Contractor Understood Your Plans For The Home?

You may have a specific vision for your property in terms of lighting and electrical connectivity, but you need to make sure that the contractor fully understands your desire. Otherwise, you'll end up unhappy. For example, if you intend to have a fully-equipped home, with modern appliances like dishwashers, dryers, washing machines, ovens, refrigerators, entertainment systems, wired security cameras and smart televisions, then your home's electrical plan should be robust enough to accommodate that kind of consumption. Has the contractor fully understood what you want? Make sure you choose someone who can demonstrate expertise in delivering exactly what you need for the home.

Will You Be Issued A Certificate Of Electrical Compliance?

Any electrical contractor you choose must provide you with a certificate of electrical compliance for any work undertaken on your property. These certificates verify that the work complies with state and territory laws in Australia. For example, in NSW under the Gas and Electricity Act 2017, a certificate of compliance for electrical work (CCEW) must be issued for new installations to you as the customer, the distributor and also Fair Trading. This demonstrates that the work has been tested and meets all the requirements of the state. You'll also be in a stronger position to hold the contractor accountable should something go wrong.

Are There Any Hidden Costs To Watch Out For?

Some electrical contractors will present an attractive proposal in terms of price, only to hit you with a few hidden costs later. Before accepting any quotes, be sure to read their proposals thoroughly so you know exactly what you're paying at the end. Some unforeseen issues may occur in a new build, but you should come to an agreement about this at the start so you're not saddled with heavy costs later. Make sure the proposal contains everything from labour to materials to installations because you don't want sudden hidden charges to creep up on you.

Finding an electrical contractor to do your electrical work requires some careful planning. Use this guide to help you.
